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Not too big of a deal, but the second word is wrong.
Ordinance is a law; Ordnance (no i) is a bomb or similar item.
Yes you are right.http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ordinance
Usage notes wrote:This word is sometimes confused with ordnance, or military weaponry.
Possibly some sort of pun? Otherwise this should probably be fixed, good eye.
As an official translator, I can say that Ordinance is written like this on purpose. Kyle said that.
If an ordinance is a law, then the law of Little Inferno seems to be "burn everything."
It is a pun, just like Leperchaun
Yes you are right.
Possibly some sort of pun? Otherwise this should probably be fixed, good eye.
As an official translator, I can say that Ordinance is written like this on purpose. Kyle said that.
If an ordinance is a law, then the law of Little Inferno seems to be "burn everything."
It is a pun, just like Leperchaun