your favorite item?

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Thomas's picture
Joined: 11/29/2012 - 20:02
your favorite item?

edit: nvm i just realized that this could get too spoilery, sorry about that. delete/move at will.
i'll leave my favorite item here though, he's already been shown

not sure if this is a good idea. but let's do it anyway.
this whole game is about buying stuff and burning it and it's amazing. so what's your favorite item? whether to burn, to play with, or just design-wise.
i like pretty much all of them but my favorite is the transhumanist action design and he just looks really cute lol

movildima's picture
Joined: 11/19/2012 - 01:13

My favourite one is Internet Cloud, because when you burn it, it makes those sounds when you connect to a non ADSL-internet. It makes me remember my country, because now I leave in another.

puggsoy's picture
Joined: 11/20/2012 - 04:25

We should maybe have a spoiler sub-section since a lot of people will want to talk about the game.

Anyway, I'll leave my favourite item out until this is moved or whatever.

Daxar's picture
Joined: 11/18/2012 - 14:09


I personally like burning the beta version, because you get an awesome chiptune sound clip. Only thing I dislike is that it doesn't play the whole song.

puggsoy's picture
Joined: 11/20/2012 - 04:25

I have a couple of favourites. I like the Toy Pirate, Boss Plushie and Gentleman Adventurer Doll, due to the sounds they make when you pick them up. I even pick them up and drag them around a couple of times before burning them up. I also enjoy both the Handheld Fireplace and Beta Version because of the music, as Daxar said. I also like how the latter pixelates the fire.

There are lots of others though. If I had to pick one it might be the Celebration Bus, how everyone screams and then it blows up, and I like the link to the Lever Operator (who is probably my favourite character in the game). Honestly though, there are so many objects I enjoy burning for so many different reasons, it's hard to choose.

Natsuru Senou's picture
Joined: 11/30/2012 - 07:59

The Lever Operator doesn't so much have a link to the Celebration bus as he was a horrible bus driver and thus the toy was made to commemorate him crashing and burning and then becoming a Lever Operator. (At least how I see it) Hell, all the characters you see besides the Weather Man and S.P. have links to at least one of the items. (But seeing how there's only 3 characters besides the Weather Man and Postman that you meet, that's easy to pull off)

Mygod's picture
Joined: 11/17/2012 - 08:00

This post made me think of what Sugar Plumps said:
Where did you come from?
What did you always want to be?
What's your favorite smeeellll?!

I like miniature sun best. I burnt 7 suns at the same time. (it takes me long to collect 7)

puggsoy's picture
Joined: 11/20/2012 - 04:25

@Natsuru: My point is basically that the Celebration Bus features the Lever Operator, who you later on get to meet, which is both surprising and cool. In the bus he may not necessarily have been a Lever Operator officially, but he is the same guy. Plus I just like his character, some of the best (or at least most memorable) humour in the game IMO.

Natsuru Senou's picture
Joined: 11/30/2012 - 07:59

@puggsoy Now say that again but more dramatic!

puggsoy's picture
Joined: 11/20/2012 - 04:25

Haha, precisely. To be honest he kind of reminded me of the Sign Painter.

momo1526's picture
Joined: 11/19/2012 - 16:43

Yeah me too. My favorites are the gravity shifter and the laser pointer. I guess my love for strange gravity conditions and lasers was born from my love of science fiction.

Thomas's picture
Joined: 11/29/2012 - 20:02

@daxar thanks a ton for moving it :^)
and very interesting results from this thread. i like the celebration bus as well.
also they named a track from the soundtrack after my favorite item!! it's just the sound effect that plays when he burns but still pretty cool. "transhumanist connects". made my day

kirdneh's picture
Joined: 12/22/2012 - 14:01

I like getting a whole bunch of the different bombs and blowing them all up.

mrpoke's picture
Joined: 01/11/2013 - 18:19

I like using the nuke's!

Joined: 01/19/2013 - 03:36

I like the brick, mainly because it burns for so long, and if you fill the furnace up with them the screen almost turns white, feel that heat!

I also like the bear because of the sounds he makes , always makes me smile!

The Amazing Gravity Boy's picture
Joined: 11/15/2014 - 11:14

My favorite has to be This Way Down. What's more awesome than spinning it around and causing chaos in your fireplace?

There's also the Toy Rocketship, making it go up, and BOOM! A coin falls from the sky.