Okay guys, really not sure if this is the correct place for this but if its not im sure someone will tell me where to move it
Today I recorded and uploaded my first video if little inferno, I had played the game for a little while before but didnt really do anything major (basically finished the first catalogue) If you would be interested in the series or just the video then by all means check the video out! (Link will be below)
I think this video also gives you a feel for the game so if you were thinking of purchasing it but you were hesitant because there is no demo then you can just go ahead and watch the first few minuets of the video to see if its something that would interest you, I really recomend this game for light gamers, as it is very fun and doesnt really hold a large storyline that you have to stay along with to understand the game, you just BURN THINGS!
Thanks if you did check the video out guys and feedback is very well received so dont forget to leave some!
Having problems with the link just search "The magical midge Little inferno" into youtube or google.
Thanks again guys!
Moved to "Strategy" subforum. In this case, it's not a terribly huge deal, but I figured it'd fit there better than "General Discussion" because of the "General Discussion" subtitle "no spoilers," and LP's inherently have spoilers. No biggie, though; I probably would have been confused myself.
I find it interesting that so many people are LP'ing Little Inferno. It's kind of cool, actually. I filmed my own during the beta, and when I went to make the videos public on YouTube on launch day, there were already quite a few LP videos for Little Inferno. We seem to get at least one person posting LP videos on here each day, too. It's pretty cool. Now all I need is some free time to watch them.
Anyways, good luck on your series! I'll check them out when I get the chance.
There's a problem with your link. The "?vP" should be "?v"
As a result, it redirects to the Youtube homepage.
Thanks man! I had tried to figure out why it was not working, ill get to changing that!
Thanks man, I am always very 'scared' to post on forums because some times people call you a spammer or other people say its in the wrong place but there are 2 ways to go about it the nice friendly fashion that you went about it or other forums basically rip your head off because you made a mistake, thank you for your noob friendly advice man it really does mean alot to me and tell me that there are still nice people out there on the big ode web!
Also thanks for your kind wishes of luck I had a blast playing the game and recording it!