OK, I made this topic to talk anything, everything, anyone, or whatever.
I'm just a girl that has goals from other forums, where PAPL's from, although, I have bipolar disorder so whatever I'm depressed on some moments or what, mostly because someone broke my primary goals. My goal here was nothing, just be nice
^my point there is that I am depressed from the Flipline Forums because of my goals getting ruined^
Although, at the other forum, I'll do what it takes to make my FC (or as called Fictional Character) popular. IDK what to do 'bout it, and more unfortunate, is that most of my goals involved with it is ruined, but any more tips?
^my point there is that my FC is just somehow unpopular^
EDIT: Added points.
Hi, Lilith!
Sorry, I don't completely understand. Do you mean that you're trying to make your avatar more popular on the other forum, or is this in some game a la The Sims?
Good idea about the forum topic, btw. We probably should have created one before now.
Haha, nope, it wasn't my avatar meant to be popular.
1. I came here because of the first situation made by the Flipline Forumers.
1A. My goals there is just only one: To make my FC popular, not the avatar what I just had since my registration. On that forum (Flipline Forum), I can't handle, sometimes because of, depression I hold, mostly because of my goals getting ruined, plus, worst situations, like when the first troll visited the forums and trolled us.
1B. My goals here is just nothing, plus I can't discuss anything Inferno, so sorry
2. I think there's no hacking, and no sockpuppetry. Papl is 13, although, somehow had angry management issues. And she has "xenophobia". After I spread it on the same topic (this one but at the other forums), she apologized.
Although, I may come back if I have time. ~logging off~
EDIT: Oh, ok. I see. You mean your FC "Lilith Grotesque," or whatever name you used on the other forum.
Sorry to hear that the other forum made you depressed; the Internet really can be a rough place sometimes. What sort of goals did you have in mind that you don't think you can achieve now?
Hey, welcome here! I'm Kirdneh.
So, what is it that you want to talk about? You can choose anything.
If we can talk anything then i say we talk about the other forum. I don't know if this is a good idea, but it's worth a try.
That's actually "Julia Witherwood" olo ^-^
Let's talk about THIS website. I'm starting to call it "the ghost town of the internet."
yes it is very true actually!
Well, there is not much really to talk about. Once they finish cracking LI's code, then we will have so much to talk about. Level creation contests, new stuff, and other topics.
There's been nothing done with what we've cracked so far, so I imagine none of that will ever happen. I mean, seriously, we have about 90% of the game assets fully modifiable at this point, which is pretty impressive compared to some other games. I think Allen has stopped describing game formats because he's seeing what I'm seeing: Nobody's doing anything with them. And I think that's due to not many people knowing what about the game to change; it's not straightforward to add new items (Like it was with World of Goo and levels), and it's simple enough of a game that there's not much else to change.
What I'd like to see is someone take what we have so far and completely remake the game into something different, like some of the extremely creative minigame mods we saw in World of Goo. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing anyone on the forum who is showing that they have that kind of time, dedication, and technical know-how. And I'm not certain how possible that even is.
If my hands weren't full right now, I'd be diving into this right away. I'd totally be up for making some tools, starting off with simple stuff (letters and combos), then figuring out how exactly items work and making an editor for them. A mod installer like GooTool might also be handy.
Seriously, once I get some stuff off my back (hopefully not more than a month from now) I'll start doing this. I really think with some guidance and easy-to-use tools there'll be a lot more activity and people can start making items.
I admit there is one large barrier that wasn't present with WoG, and that is the need for user-created graphics to make some truly original items. Countless levels can be made with built-in graphics but you can't really do much in LI without making your own stuff.
Nevertheless, hopefully that won't stop people from putting some of their item ideas into action.
Alright, lets talk about other games you're playing. Right now, I am playing these games: "Popcorn" and "Under Development."
Let's talk about current problems that we are facing right now. I don't have much problems but I heard Lilith is even more depressed than before.
I have started playing an... interesting, to say the least... game called Anodyne, by Analgesic Productions LLC, I am playing the Hexxit, which is an extensive, adventure-fighting-type modpack for Minecraft, and a game called Study for Exams, which is produced by Life Inc. Life Inc.'s games are very difficult, and if you die, your world is deleted.
Some current problems? I seem to be doing pretty ok. Somethings could be better, but I just try to focus on what I have right now, instead of what I could've had. I am always willing to listen and help other people with their problems, but I must warn you to take both my and anyone else's advice with a grain of salt, as I am (to the best of your knowledge) only human.
I forgot that I have a problem with this person on the internet. And no it isn't papl, it's this person with the username of "James 2671." That guy is an admin of a website and he is abusing his power. He also sent me a threat. Also, he is trying to make people hate a certain user on the interwebs. He hates me because I support someone he hates.
Firstly, I am glad that you support this bullied user of that site. He needs all the help and encouragement he can get from you. Secondly, if there are other admins on that site, they need to be alerted of this abuse of power. If that doesn't work, create a post exposing this admin in a professional, detailed manner providing evidence and links to his slander, and get users on your side. Watch out for haters, and be calm and professional. If all else fails, I would encourage getting you, the victim, and his supporters to cut all ties from that website.
I would do all of that. The problem is that he is the only admin and banned me for 1000 years. Fortunately 3 or more users are getting suspicious about him and one guy reported the website. Do you want a photo of his hate message? Want a link to his website? EDIT: I can't take it anymore. James is ruining my reputation. He wishes that I die. Am I overreacting?
Also he is starting fights with Lilith on the flipline forum (She changed her name to Rikiro) and no matter how much he is wrong, he never gives up. But the thing that surprises me is that the mods on the forum don't do anything to him. I don't even think he got a warning from them even if they have evidence shoved in their faces.
He sounds like a person who has serious issues in life, and is retaliating by abusing his power against his users. Like all trolls on the internet and the outernet, he is looking for a reaction. I would leave immediately, and you should contact your friend Lilith and get her out of there. The choice of mods, and the admin, are both corrupted, and more users will realize what they have done, and the website will slowly fade into the region known as the Deep Web, and then slowly into the region known as the Dark Internet.
I feel bad for YGM and Lilith.
Anyways, I am currently playing these games.
Apparently, James left the forum 2 days ago because everyone hates him and he thinks it's boring. I wouldn't say this is good news. Now I have another problem. I am trying to convince the mods on the flipline forum to unban me and so far, it's not going so well.
P:S Where's Daxar?
EDIT: Kirdneh, you were right. The whole forum is fighting over post count and Lilith wants to commit suicide because someone plagiarized her story. And do you remember Papl? She is saying cuss words more often. I think someone reported her but never got a response back from the admins.
I researched this forum and, to say the least, it is a bit hectic. Let me get this straight: there is a forum created by the flipline company (creator of games such as Pappa's [insert food here]ria). Also, there is another site which is a wikia covering different users on the flipline site. There is also a competition to be the highest ranked user on the wikia. There is an admin by the name of James (though on the forum or the wiki I do not know), and he was abusive of his powers. Various users include papl, lilith, You Got Mail, and an annonymous victim. James tormented victim, YGM defended, James banned YGM, other users suspected, James got bored and left. Papl was rude, lilith was depressed.
I think I'm covered.
On a more cheerful note, what did you people get for Christmas? I received a second monitor, some geeky t-shirts from Think Geek, and an awesome video card.
Yep, you pretty much described it. Also, Papl's only excuse for swearing and saying non G-rated stuff is: "It's called having fun." And I hate it when she calls people hypocrites without a reason.
I think it's time to talk about something else.