Well you're right! Are we keeping the same mods? And is there gonna be a badge system or something? And has anyone managed to mod yet? And... I think I'll stop here.
So far, this is what we got. Right now we're working on the combo hint text, so if anybody wants to help with that, please do!
davidc and xanax worked really hard to get this site up here in the course of a couple days, so it's not completely done yet or anything. They're still working on finalizing stuff, and david may have to recode some stuff because of the new version of Drupal. That sort of thing likely will come first, before badges and such.
As far as moderators go, I dunno who is or isn't. I know I'm a mod, and I think xanax is too, but there's no way I can tell if/who anyone else is. If you're a goofans moderator, I'd say hop on IRC and nag davidc about it. He's been hanging out quite a lot on IRC the past few days.
Well, here I finally am. Somehow I managed to not actually check GooFans last night, since I was actually awake when this started but only checked it this morning. Ah well, here I am, as user #26.
Time to go nag david for modship <img src="/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/blum3.gif" alt="smiley"/>
Hello everyone, I had lots of fun with my fireplace.
No I've my beautiful mouse pad. <img src="/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/i-m_so_happy.gif" alt="smiley"/>
Up up up the chimney, like everything else.
At least we're cozy and warm!
HELLO there! Did you get a LITTle inFERno firePLACE too???
Hello InfernoFans!!!
P.S. I'm the 19th user on this site!!!
But I thought playing with fire was dangerwous?
Well you're right! Are we keeping the same mods? And is there gonna be a badge system or something? And has anyone managed to mod yet? And... I think I'll stop here.
So far, this is what we got. Right now we're working on the combo hint text, so if anybody wants to help with that, please do!
davidc and xanax worked really hard to get this site up here in the course of a couple days, so it's not completely done yet or anything. They're still working on finalizing stuff, and david may have to recode some stuff because of the new version of Drupal. That sort of thing likely will come first, before badges and such.
As far as moderators go, I dunno who is or isn't. I know I'm a mod, and I think xanax is too, but there's no way I can tell if/who anyone else is. If you're a goofans moderator, I'd say hop on IRC and nag davidc about it. He's been hanging out quite a lot on IRC the past few days.
I would like to be a moderator on this site because I love it as much as GooFans!
Let's see if I can find davidc on irc...
Well, here I finally am. Somehow I managed to not actually check GooFans last night, since I was actually awake when this started but only checked it this morning. Ah well, here I am, as user #26.
Time to go nag david for modship <img src="/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/blum3.gif" alt="smiley"/>
I think I'll ask david about becoming a mod...
Hello everyone, I had lots of fun with my fireplace.
No I've my beautiful mouse pad. <img src="/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/i-m_so_happy.gif" alt="smiley"/>