I've 100% Completed The Game!

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TheDiamCrafters's picture
Joined: 10/17/2015 - 18:53
I've 100% Completed The Game!

Just 30 minutes ago, I 100% completed Little Inferno.

999 coins,
99 stamps,
99 combos!
all catalogue completed


The actual game completed

if i'm missing anything or you have also completed the game 100%, comment below

TheDiamCrafters's picture
Joined: 10/17/2015 - 18:53

If you would like a guide of how to get all the combos, then comment -Guide-
If you think I am missing a bit of the game to get 100%, then comment -Add-
If you have also 100% completed the game, then comment something around -Me Too-

Mygod's picture
Joined: 11/17/2012 - 08:00

Have you bought everything for at least three times?

If so, congratulations you've finished the game. Now go out and do something else.

.SlipKnoT._2_2's picture
Joined: 05/21/2015 - 00:05

There is already a guide for the combos here in this website.