I suggest Forum Games, Fan Art, Fan Fiction and Community Q&A!
Forum Games: Like ... The next poster. Although, that board won't count towards our post count.
Fan Art: For fan artists who want to post art.
Fan Fiction: For fan fiction makers.
Community Q&A: Errr ... I forgot 'bout it ...
I know that a while back ago, there was a charade with moderators discussing whether or not forum games were acceptable or not, and I think they ruled it was okay unless it got out of hand. However, that was around a year ago.
Moderators? What is your ruling?
Same as before. With this forum, there's less on-topic stuff anyway, so do whatever you want, basically.
Forum games: Not a bad idea. Seems fun.
Fan art: No opinion.
Fan fiction: Very interesting idea.
Communty Q&A: I guess it's ok as long as nobody asks personal questions.
I wonder what are the others opinion on this?
These sorts of threads can just be put in the Pictures of Your Hat section. As long as they comply with the forum rules it should be fine, I'd say.
i wonder, who is the moderator anyway is it only Daxar?
I think Daxar and xanax are the only moderators (unless xanax is also an admin like davidc).
In the "People" overlay (Which I think only mods can access), there's a list of all users on the site. Filtering them to show only moderators gives me:
So Kyle and Allan are mods here, too, though I doubt they would really care about deleting spam or anything of the sort.
If I filter by "administrator," I get:
The "last access" times on this page indicate that allan and I are really the only active ones (The others haven't been on for months, and davidc hasn't been on for a couple of weeks).
That clear it up?
yes thanks daxar!
Now back to the topic!
What the heck is a fan fiction?
A fan fiction is basically a story written by a fan that stays inside the general world of the original work, with their own interpretation of events and how they happened. Fanfics can be... pretty strange depending on the writer. So long as everything is kept G-rated, I'm totally cool with that sort of thing here.
That sounds cool. I wonder if anyone will do one here.?
I have one suggestion. I want to send private messages to people.
Don't you guys think we need a new moderator? If so, who will it be?
I don't think we need new ones now. Maybe they'll be needed when a secure modding method will be implemented, the site will be changed to support mods (like GooFans) and people start uploading them.
yea, btw when is the mod gonna come? i see that daxar stoped working on it
What are we going to do with all the spam here? There should definitely be a new moderator. I would like to be one to eliminate the spam. I guess Daxar gave up on this forum.
The thing about Daxar is that he is not often on goofans/infernofans, but when he is, he is extremely helpful. There is another post on the goofans' little inferno section discussing this.
Yup, Daxar is maybe one of coolest admins I've ever seen. I mean, he resolved that "Papl and friends" problem in less than a day. I admit he's not here very often, but he's still awesome.
Talking about spam, we need at least one or two more moderators to clean spam here. I would really like to help, because I am here everyday.
Yeah, I remember I made Papl mad and flamed us here. I'm trying to get unblocked in the flipline forum but they won't accept my apology no matter how long I made them mad last time. Which was 7 months ago I think.
Some people just can't change. If you can't change the situation after months, he is just holding it from you immaturely to be in control.
Thanks for the advice. I got several responses from users saying that I'm not sorry and one user said a bunch of swear words to me. I'm trying my best to control myself.
Edit: are we going to get another moderator soon? Davidc hasn't responded to my emails.
Aww, you guys are the best. <3
Sorry I haven't been around so much. I wasn't doing terribly well in school, so I've transferred to another university and have been getting settled. I've also been working on other projects, since I kinda got burnt out on liTools, and wasn't terribly sure where to go next. The spam and such that Mollom missed should be gone now (Let me know if I missed any). I'm not sure about Mollom blocking legitimate users, though; I'll nag davidc on IRC and see if he responds. He's been pretty tricky to track down for about the past year...
Sorry I haven't had a lot of time to devote to this place, guys. I'll try to come on here at least every now and then, maybe every week or so, just to make sure nothing gets too out of hand.
Hey Daxar! Nice to see you're back. I thought you just gave up on this forum and goofans and left without letting us know. I was worried that Papl and her friends will come back and mess up this website. I'm sure other people are happy to hear from you.
Hey guys, davidc made me a moderator!
Spam, prepare for a battle (Well I guess not now, because Daxar cleaned all of it).
Congrats, movildima! You now inherit the legendary ban hammer of destruction.
Precisely, this one:

: P
hahaha LOL!