That's Max from the Sam and Max series. Not sure which game it's from though.
Mine is Henry Hatsworth from Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure. It's a real good game and since it was created by Kyle Gray, I figured it would be fitting to have here.
max is from different games. He was in hit the road by lucasarts and the rest is from telltale games.
p:s one of max's favorite things to do is burning stuff!
Also season 1 episode 4 is free to play for life. And if you like it you can get all seasons for $40. Telltalle games said those seasons were a $95 dollar value. Each episode should last 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you played it show me your thoughts about it. P:S how did you know my picture is max?
I have Poker Night at the Inventory, and one of the characters is Max. Also I own Sam and Max Season 3 (The Devil's Playhouse), although I have still to play it.
Mine is a Handheld Fireplace from Little Inferno and the highlight of the fourth catalog The 1st Person Shopper then i put my favorite number at the front
That's Max from the Sam and Max series. Not sure which game it's from though.
Mine is Henry Hatsworth from Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure. It's a real good game and since it was created by Kyle Gray, I figured it would be fitting to have here.
max is from different games. He was in hit the road by lucasarts and the rest is from telltale games.
p:s one of max's favorite things to do is burning stuff!
skip to 18:36
Also season 1 episode 4 is free to play for life. And if you like it you can get all seasons for $40. Telltalle games said those seasons were a $95 dollar value. Each episode should last 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you played it show me your thoughts about it. P:S how did you know my picture is max?
I have Poker Night at the Inventory, and one of the characters is Max. Also I own Sam and Max Season 3 (The Devil's Playhouse), although I have still to play it.
What does i have still to play it means? P:S Im happy someone know who sam and max is! Also did you see the video and skipped to 18:36?
Mine is a Handheld Fireplace from Little Inferno and the highlight of the fourth catalog The 1st Person Shopper then i put my favorite number at the front
Mine is my account picture from GooFans. Then I burned it.
@movildima: made me chuckle a bit for some reason : P
Mine is my logo, burnt.